Cloud Gazing The video draws context from the relationship between cinematic narration and cinematic time to show their contextual relation with cinematic space. The video begins with the frame that shows a building which is silhouetted against the sky. It is a time-lapse in whoch the actions of the individual can be seen at various subsets of the original frame. The frame is divided into three broad horizontal lines along which the action takes place. The first is the sky, second the terrace of the building and the third is the wall of the building. The subsets that make up the frame tend towards a centrifugal visual, but the over-all frame is centripetal. There is no movement in the video, all of it being one single long shot. The frame here acts as a closed system initially the geometry of it is well defined but the initial and final movement shows that as the child leaves, the "out of field is not definable nor understood, it is a part of a larger system".
Showing posts from August, 2019
Deleuze Through the Windows by Sourav Chakraborty and Nibid Roy
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Deleuze through the windows This video consists of 5 consecutive and continuous frames which mainly lean toward the second of the two tendencies Deleuze mentioned a frame is inseparable from, rarefaction. The very first frame of the landscape is more of a geometric frame as the 'blocs' formed by the street lights occupying the space find an equilibrium through the subsets. In this frame, two parallel lines divide the frame into three horizontal parts, one of which is completely black. The second frame insists the movement of the car. The shapes formed by the shadows of the car point to the 'radical Elsewhere' Deleuze mentioned and the continuous movement of those shadows on the canvas like road use the 'thread' existing throughout the 'whole' to signify the spatiality and temporality of the shot. The third frame has two prominent subsets. One of which is the side view mirror of the car. This particular subset, as there is a reflection o...
An Understanding of Deleuze on Frame and Shot by Pritha Halder and Anisha Dutta
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An Understanding of Deleuze on Frame and Shot In this project Pritha and I have tried to put forth the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze with respect to concepts of a frame within a frame, the depth of focus, the geometry of shapes and lines, and the concept of rarefaction in a frame. As Delueze says, a frame is a relatively closed system where sets, characters and props are included. The frame, which themselves form sub-sets, which can be broken down in an image. The Frame is geometric or physical in another way. In the first case, the frame is inseparable from rigid geometric distinction. In this photo we can see vertical lines of trees on both the sides and horizontal lines of the speed breaker. Deleuze's idea of geometry and rarefaction is again portrayed in the image above, showing the electric tubes arranged in horizontal lines. The rectangle shaped boxes add to the geometry as well. The image is rarefied too as the "whole accent is p...
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A complete analysis on "Frame and Shot" according to Gilles Deleuze by SRIJITA HALDER and DIBYOKANTI KUNDU "...pragmatic justification, perhaps tending to confirm that the visual image has a legible function beyond its visible function."- Gilles Deleuze Frames form the boundaries of an image or a photograph. Frames basically contain the subject as well as the other elements that are used in the particular frame. Framing an image depends on the particular mood, information or the attention point that the photographer wants to convey or portray. Here are some basic frames and shots that somewhat tries to justify the context of "Frame and Shot" according to Gilles Deleuze. SETS AND SUB-SETS High angle shot describing rarefied image Location: Uttara Housing Co-Operative Society, Broad Street, Ballygunge Phari, Kolkata. The image is a high angle shot frame where the leading lines guide our eyes to the only lit balcony and somewhat distribut...
In the Name of Deleuze
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by Sankalp and Santua The following few images tries to identify itself through Deleuze's text... Showstoppers The frame is also geometric or physical in another way- in relation to the parts of the system that it separates and brings together. More on The First Level: Set, Frame or Closed System ... " The frame therefore forms a set which has a great number of parts, that is of elements, which themselves form sub-sets....Obviously these parts are themselves in image" The Frame therefore inseparable from two tendencies: towards satuaration or towards rarefaction" Around the World in 8 minutes "...Bonitzer has constructed the interesting concept of 'deframing'(decadrage) in order to designate these abnormal points of view which are not the same as an oblique perspective or paradoxical angel, and refer to another dimension of the image....
"The Cinematogrphic Image is Always Dividual" G. Deleuze. by Sourav Kanjilal and Soumita Gayen
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Place: Sukanta Sethu (Jadabpur) The frame is composed of elements which are the data (donnes). These data are sometimes numerous, sometimes limited number. The frame is therefore inseparable from two tendencies i.e. it is either towards Saturation or it is towards Rarefaction. In the following video, the frame tends towards saturation. The railway track, the houses of the human habitats and the narrow lane, all constructs a geometric structure as a spatial composition of parallels and diagonals. However, the dynamic conception of frame produces an imprecise set which are now divided into zones or bands. The frame is now no longer the object of geometric division but of physical gradation. Here, it is by the degree of mixing that the part becomes confused. The set as a whole cannot be divided into parts and neither it is indivisible. But is 'Dividual'. Thus, The Cinematographic Image is Always Dividual as Deleuze puts it. According to Delueze there is always out of f...
An Understanding of Deleuze's take on Shot and Framing || CHANDREYEE HALDER, SRIJONI MITRA
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Sets and Subsets " The frame therefore forms a set which has a great number of parts, that is of elements, which themselves form sub-sets....Obviously these parts are themselves in image " The lines of trees intersected by a horizontal branch that reaches out to the far upper right of the frame, divides its subjects as well as the spaces they inhabit into not just either sides of the diagonal (Character 1 is predominantly placed on the upper side of the branch while character 2 is wholly placed on the lower side of that same branch); but also on either side of the left vertical tree. Place of Shoot : Jadavpur University Camera : RealMe 2 Pro Phone Camera Date : 20.08.2019 Framing Nature " The lines separating the great elements of Nature obviously play a fundamental role... But it also involves water and earth, or the slender line which separates air and water. " Apart from the lines separating the air from w...
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Analysis of frames by Deleuze - Sanat Bardoloi & Rahul Adhikari Deleuze stated that the frame is a relatively closed system. Each frame has a great number of parts – characters, sets and props. The divisibility of content constantly subdivides a frame into sub-sets or is itself the sub-set of a larger set, on to infinity. He also said that the frame has always been geometrical. It is conceived of as a spatial composition of parallels and diagonals. The frame is also related to an angle of framing. Sometimes the angle of point of shots looks unusual and sometimes bizarre as well. But it has higher justification for the narrative. Finally, it determines an out-of-field, sometimes in the form of a larger set which extends it, sometimes in the form of a whole into which it is integrated. (Place : Burdwan University Hostel) (Place: Jadavpur) (Place: Towards a temple in Burdwan) (Place: Kangsabati river in Medinipur) (Place: A hou...
"ফ্রেম" এবং "শট" :- দেল্যুজের দৃষ্টিভঙ্গি তে (শুভম সরকার এবং রম্যাণি ঘোষ)
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একটি ছবি অথবা কোনো চলচ্চিত্রের একটি "shot" কে আমরা বিভিন্ন ভাবে ব্যাখ্যা করতে পারি। এই মুহুর্তে আমরা খুব সহজে " Frame"-"set" or "closed system" নিয়ে আলোচনা করবো চলচ্চিত্র তাত্ত্বিক দেল্যুজ এর কিছু বক্তব্যকে সামনে রেখে, যার বক্তব্য অনুসারে একটি ছবি, তার মধ্যে থাকা কিছু জ্যামিতিক রেখা বস্তু-চরিত্র ইত্যাদি দ্বারা তৈরী হয়ে থাকে যার জন্য তৈরী হয় কিছু বদ্ধ বলয়ের যাকে তিনি closed system বলছেন।এই frame-set-closed system এর কিছু উদাহরণ আমারা দেখে নেব নিম্নে আলোচিত ছবি গুলির মাধ্যমে। উপরিউক্ত ছবি দুটির মধ্যে প্রথমটি তোলা হয়েছে কফি হাউসে এবং দ্বিতীয় টি যাদবপুর বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ে। আমরা দেখতে পাচ্ছি এখানে একটি জানালা যেখানে জানালাটির আয়তক্ষেত্র আকারটি দুটি ভাগে ভাগ হয়েছে এবং বর্গক্ষেত্রাকার ও জানালাটির উপরে একটি চতুর্ভুজ জ্যামিতিক আকার তৈরী হয়েছে যেটি দেখে দেল্যুজ এর ছবিতে বদ্ধক্ষেত্রের উপস্তিতির বিষয়টি স্পষ্ট হচ্ছে সাথে জ্যামিতিক প্যাটার্নের কথাও মিলে যাচ্ছে। এবং এক্ষেত্রে দেল্যুজের "ফ্রেমের অভ্যন্তরে ফ্রেম" এরও উদাহরণ দেওয়া যায়। এই ...
"The frame therefore forms a set which has a great number of parts,that is of elements,which themselves form sub-sets."- G DELEUZE BY SAUVIK PANDIT AND RAJSEKHAR DHALI
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নিম্নোক্ত ছবিগুলিতে আমারা দেখতে পাচ্ছি যে, প্রতিটি ফ্রেমের ভেতর বস্তুগুলি(উপাদানগুলি) সামগ্রিক ভাবে একটি সেট গঠন করেছে,যেগুলি বহুভাগে বিভক্ত এবং সেই ভাগগুলি এক একটি সাব-সেট।আর ফ্রেমগুলিতে সমান্তরাল,উলম্ব,আনুভুমিক বা তির্যক রেখাগুলো ফ্রেমগুলিকে জ্যামিতিক ভাবে বিন্যস্ত করেছে,ফলে একাধিক সুবিন্যস্ত ভাগে বিভক্ত ফ্রেমগুলি। ফ্রেমের অন্তর্গত বহু তথ্য ছবিগুলিতে সম্পৃক্ততা ফুটিয়ে তুলেছে।প্রতিটি ফ্রেমে দেখা যাচ্ছে,ফ্রেমের ভেতর অন্তর্নিহিত রয়েছে আরও অনেকগুলি ফ্রেম।ডিলিউজের মতানুসারে,যে একাধিক অংশ সম্মিলিত হয়ে একটি নির্দিষ্ট সেট গঠন করে,সেই সেটের অন্তর্গত উপাদানগুলি আবার ছবিটিকে জ্যামিতিকভাবে নানা আকার দান করে বা বহুভাগে ভাগ করে,সেই উপাদানগুলি আবার নিজেরা প্রকৃতরূপে স্বতন্ত্র সাব-সেট। ১.এই ছবিটিতে অন্তর্নিহিত উপাদানগুলি ফ্রেমটিকে বহুভাগে ভাগ করেছে। (যাদবপুর বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় ক্যাম্পাস) ২. এই ছবিটিতে ফ্রেমের ভেতর জ্যামিতিক আকার দেখা যাচ্ছে। (যাদবপু...