Gilles Deleuze Frame & Set || Sajujya Ray, Nabarun Phukan

The frame therefore forms a set which has a great number of parts, that is of elements, which themselves form sub-sets.

In context to this, we present a block frame video. The main element here is a doorway. Breaking our frame down, we get a partial wall, the doorway of a building and a closed door. This video is dominated by a lot of motion, in the form of people walking across the frame. Each of these individuals are part of a larger set, and act as sub-sets. Each of these sub-sets have their own stories and their own course of action, which may seem independent of the set but play their own roles in it. The visual through the door also plays its part as a subset in itself, with further subsets incorporated within it.

Hence we see the video as a supportive structure to the quote.


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