Deleuze Through the Windows by Sourav Chakraborty and Nibid Roy

This video consists of 5 consecutive and continuous frames which mainly lean toward the second of the two tendencies Deleuze mentioned a frame is inseparable from, rarefaction.

The very first frame of the landscape is more of a geometric frame as the 'blocs' formed by the street lights occupying the space find an equilibrium through the subsets. In this frame, two parallel lines divide the frame into three horizontal parts, one of which is completely black.
The second frame insists the movement of the car. The shapes formed by the shadows of the car point to the 'radical Elsewhere' Deleuze mentioned and the continuous movement of those shadows on the canvas like road use the 'thread' existing throughout the 'whole' to signify the spatiality and temporality of the shot.

The third frame has two prominent subsets. One of which is the side view mirror of the car. This particular subset, as there is a reflection of another space and thus is another frame as well, refers to one more 'whole', other than the 'whole' the original frame is connected with. The other subset, if we consider it as a frame, is just movement, which apparently does not have any distinct 'blocs' or geometric patterns. The subsets of this subset constantly shift like the previous frame of the road. As these subsets are 'dividual', meaning, they cannot be distinguished apparently, they express the 'meaning' which is of the movement of the car. So, this frame is referring to the same 'out-of-field' but with different perspective through different subsets.

The next frame is an example of extreme rarefaction. The blinking emergency lights of the car show the shape of the human figure appearing and vanishing alternatively. There is just one prominent subset in the frame. This particular subset even becomes smaller when only the tip of the lit cigarette is shown and thus the frame is even more rarefied.

The last frame emerges from the previous frame. When the car again starts off and lights change, a frame within the frame is formed by the rear windshield of the car, which is a distinguishable subset appearing from the dark.


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